Thursday, February 26, 2009

What happening to me?

Jam dah pukul 1:59am. Aku masih belum boleh tidur. Kelopak mata dah berat. Balik dari ofis jam 12:00 malam tadi terus on kan pc lepas bersihkan diri dan mandi. First thing I did, bukak blog cerpen yang tahun 2006 aku upload. Blog cerpen Cinta yang Hilang tu aku update balik pic dia. At a certain time, aku erased pic2 yang aku rasa tak ada guna aku simpan. But tonight, there's something that I felt that I can't explain. Is it that 'time' comes around again? The 'time' that makes me felt so lonely, betrayed and sad goes through my vein. I dont know.

But if that time or thing happen again, I'll be ready this time and pare me your sorrow.

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